
Monday, December 31, 2007


I was thinking today, what will the new year bring....REALLY? How badly I wish I knew :) The things I want this year are things I really really want :) I rub my belly every morning day and night praying for a healthy baby for our family. And how much better can I show Todd I love him than giving him a healthy baby boy? Two families I pray for right now are both losing their little boys, one is four years old and the other just a young 12 months. and the other website you need to be a member of, but I promise you he's the sweetest boy alive! I often wonder why? I of course also want Maria and Matthew's good health to continue. What do you have in life if you don't have good health? I also want my house to sell. The financial ramifications of divorce are mounting. I've had one offer but it was a real lousy one, one that even I couldn't take. Very discouraging.
My belly grows very large. Kinda worrisome, I don't want anything to happen to the baby during delivery, or ever. I failed my one hour glucose test which means I could have gestational diabetes. I don't know much about it except that most GD babies are born large, that I would be living like a diabetic for 10 weeks with needle pricks and diet and that this baby would have increased chances of being a type I diabetic. I have my three hour glucose test on Wednesday morning to see if I have in fact developed diabetes.
Of course I haev pics to share but Iw anted to wish you all a healthy new 2008 year!!!

1 comment:

Andie said...

I hope your 3 hour test goes well!! Good luck!! Have a wonderful 2008 - you deserve the best, girl!