
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tough times

Yesterday I started a pain above the right rib at 2PM, it really hurts. I saw the OB and he says uterine pressure on ribs, hah it hurts more than that. It gets worse after dinner, call the on call OB says it's the position of the baby, nah it hurts more than that. I decided to listen to my gut and go get checked out in ER. Labwork comes back normal, baby moving like nothing is up. AFter some serious tylenol, the pain is gone down to bearable. Today it still hurts. No explanation aside from easy things like gas or baby pressure. Whatever it is has me worried and in pain and not happy. I can hardly sit here and type. I hope it's nothing and goes away after baby comes. So when will that be? It's such astruggle to want him here and not wanting to go through the pain of birth. Where are these feelings coming from? I've done this twice, why do I want to back out this time? Why am I dreading delivery? Anything to relieve these pains, they're serious, and this is coming from a girl who had two non drug deliveries. It feels like my intestines are leaking acid or my gallbladder has stones or something but all the labs come back normal. Maybe I have an ulcer in my intestine or something. I miss my old self. THe one who was nearly tireless, played with my kids, scrapped, took pics and did all kinds of nice things for Todd. Thank God Todd and I talked and we decied it was ok to cancel my class. The syllabus was 21 pages long, just not happening. Court on Monday. They even supenaed the realtor, why couldn't they just get the records??? Moving my stuff out is just not happening. It's real hard to ask for Todd's help, hard to muster up the strength to do it myself and since Richard is going away that leaves me with the kids for three weekends in a row. I'll have to get a sitter or have Todd move the stuff, no fun either way. Man, complaining like this is so unlike me :( But it feels good to get it out. April is going to be a sweet month!! No more house, no more pregnancy, new baby, warmer weather! The good things going on is Todd's mom had a surprise shower for me last weekend, did I say that already? My friend Maria in NZ sent me this package FULL of baby stuff, all cute and man it was so fun going through that. I can't wait to go to NZ nad give her a BIG hug, she's so awesome, in more ways than one! And if it couldn't get better a message board I frequent lots (scrapbookers board) is thinking of giving me a virtual shower. So cool that even though the timing of this baby wasn't planned and we're not married, is still being celebrated. I just wish he would hurry up and finish developing and just COME ALREADY!

1 comment:

Dante's Mama said...

I know what you're going through with those pains. I had the exact same pains with Danté. They were especially worse at night. I never did get a "diagnosis" but after he was born I self diagnosed as it being a BIG baby (10lbs) and not enough room. I hope they subside for you. I think you were smart in cancelling your class and what kind of Nazi teacher gives a 21 page syllabus? Good luck with everything and if you need a free baby sitter for your precious duo, let me know. Danté would love some playmates :)