
Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation for 5!

Todd is so brave and adventuresome! He encourages me to take risks which I am so grateful for, if he didn't I would be missing out on so much fun. This adventure was on vacation, a 10 hr drive with three kids to go to the beach! We made the trip, headed straight for the beach, had a hotel right on the sand, it was great! Many happy memories for all. We even brought back two friends, Sparkle shell and Tommy, our two new hermit crabs. I promised grandma Marjie that I would post pictures of the kids while she and Tom were away on their 1.5 month voyage to Alaska and back. Sorry the post is late :( I have many more pictures to come including some super cute ones of Ben in his first stripy Gap PJs and his exersaucer and ones of Maria in her gymnastics performance, man am I behind. Anyway, here are our vacation pics. WE used Todd's new camera and with that comes less pics of Matthew not looking because the camera has a delay but you all get the idea :) As you can see, Ben was either in the front carrier on Todd or in the jogging stroller, he's such a good boy! The big kids enjoyed digging and burying in the sand, both went in the water, carnival rides and Maria even showed off her new swimming skills in the pool. Oh and I can't forge the ice cream and the cool cruise on the four wheeled bike! Mom and Todd were sure tired after our three day stint but with grins on our faces.

1 comment:

Amy Marie said...

wow looks like an awesome trip... and we rode in that yellow bike thing once it was lots of fun!