
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Lucky Momma

Todd and I were talking yesterday about the kids. Yes they have their moments and have things to improve on, but they really are great kids. Todd had to put them on their buses yesterday morning because I had to take the three hr glucose test and make sure I got home in time in the afternoon. He enjoyed it, commenting on the fact they are good kids :) I'm such a proud momma!!! What a releif to know that he sincerely enjoyed the morning rush with them. :)
Christmas day was a healthy one!! Best gift I got this year (though I did get some great material things too). Of course all of Santa Todd's gifts were a hit! Mine were liked but soon forgotten about when they saw Santa Todd's. I swear, next year he's doing the shopping. Despite the "big gifts" Maria's favs were her littlest Pet shop houses and animals and her "recycled" thoughtful gift from her cousin Tienna that is an Ariel doll that goes in the bath tub. When we visited NY in the summer, Maria loved it but Tienna just couldn't part with it just yet. So for Christmas she wrapped it up all her self and wrote the tag, To Mrea, and Miss Maria was so thrilled, that dollie goes everywhere!! Matthew's favs were his ThinkFun Rushhour Train game! It's really meant for 8 yr olds and it's a mind puzzle of sorts, he had the car version already but now he has the bigger harder train version. Of course he had to share with Todd and Uncle Chris for a few days so they could master the hardest puzzle :) He also liked his new additions to his Geotrax trains, can you believe how big it has grown?? He thoroughly enjoyed the time he spnt with Todd building two different tracks with all his new train gadgets. They were both grinning and happily working on a nice continuous track, they even had enough stuff to build three levels!!! The kids are still too young to celebrate the new year, but I was happy and content knowing that they were safe in their beds dreaming new dreams and waiting for their dreams to come true! May the new year make your dreams become reality, I know much of mine have :)

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