
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Matthew is FOUR!

Where has the time gone? My big guy is bigger! His birth was a fast and furious one, being only 4.5 hrs but much more painful than I remember natural childbirth being. Of course he was oh so worth it. I remember the moment I first held him, all 8lbs 12oz, I was SOO relieved to have him in my arms, thanking God, for some reason I was worried that something would be wrong with him, and thankfully I was wrong! He melted my heart instantly with his little bit of red hair and chubby cheeked face. Today he wins my heart just the same except now I have even more reasons to love him. He's so smart, he gives hugs, his eyes sparkle with excitement, he's my Mr Matthew and so grateful for that. This year for him has been a tremendous one! He has many challenges to deal with still but he's been checking them off one by one as challenge successfully met. Of course I can't take all of the credit, Ms Rich and her crew at Colchester Elementary school has done an amazing job with him. their love for him is very true, I yet again get lucky by moving here and having their expertise. We had a little party for him here and he will have his friend party next week, which I am really looking forward to. Of course it's alittle late but one thing about Matthew is he's pretty forgiving and loves me just the same. Happy Birthday, you've been more than Mommy could have ever dreamt up!

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