
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God Bless Benjamin!

Benjamin had his baptism on Sunday! He was a good boy. The only thing he did that was less than admirable was to explode his pants about 10 min after he was baptized. It was so bad it went out the back of the diaper, on the gown on the outfit and onto Daddy's pants. Todd took him out to the car to change him. Good thing it wasn't when the minister walked him around to meet the church. I washed it when we got home and he was able to wear it at least for cake pictures. We had a nice party at our house afterwards, so great to be with friends and family. God Bless Benjamin!
Todd had his first Father's Day! what a blessing he is to my life and of course to Benjamin's. Even though Benjamin's timing wasn't planned, he brings such a sense of healing. He and Todd together brighten my life and I can't thank them enough.

1 comment:

Amy Marie said...

Wow Laurie some great photos there, and I cannot believe how big Bengamin is getting wow. And I love the one where he is looking at Daddy.. so sweet!