
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tree Hunt

We got our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. Maria just loves the holiday prep and we couldn't wait to get a tree. We went to the same farm as last year, Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Farm. Matthew loves Charlie Brown so he thought it was neat. In past years Maria took getting the tree a very serious business, Matthew more of a trouble because of the cold and people and fuss about nothing. This year Maria was her traditional self, but Matthew wasn't. He got out of the car with feet running! Maria loved every tree we saw, even the not so pretty ones. Matthew still didn't care about the tree but he LOVED hiding in the trees. he would run and run, ducking in between, squeezing through and laughing quietly as he heard the panic in Mommy's voice. Did he answer when I called him, of course not! It was a real distraction for me, but at least it was better than the previous years' crying. We all finally settled on this tree, after about 10 minutes. If we didn't settle soon I could tell Maria would want more than one. As I kept an eye on Matthew, Maria took to business cutting the tree down. She just loves to be involved and help :) This year it was too hard for her to get underneath so she helped prune the branches after it was cut down. And of course with pride she helped drag the tree home. Todd put an end to my stress by carrying Matthew on his shoulders, after a final chase of course. I followed with camera in hand admiring my little family and grinning of the thought of with God's blessing another child next year. It was fun, carefree and memorable, just as it should be. WE decorated soon after, which both took as an important job.

"baby brother" is doing great! I feel him kicking all the time :) Sometimes he gets me real good! CAn you believe how big my belly is?? he's growing! WE're getting so excited for him to join us. Maria tells me all the time what she will do with baby brother, what she will teach him, how she will rock him and what he'll look like and do as he grows. It's real sweet. Matthew still calls him Chicken Nugget, crazy child! But of course he says it with such affection. I relly think he gets it, is it possible though? He kisses and hugs my belly and says baby brother, yells into my tummy and calls it chicken nugget to get a reaction out of us :) YEs, life is good.

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